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Anchor 17


Climate and Energy


Economic Issues




Transportation and Public Safety


Food Systems


Education, Mental Health, and Housing


1.  Abundant, Affordable Clean Energy Act:  (HB 398/SB 316)


2.  Utility Transparency and Accountability (HB 121/SB 37)

To increase transparency and better understand how major energy decisions affecting ratepayers–and ultimately the climate–are made, this bill requires the disclosure of votes at PJM, the regional authority controlling Maryland’s electrical grid.


3.  Solar-Ready School Parking Lots (HB 61)

Installing solar canopies in school parking lots creates clean energy in already developed locations.  We can save money by preparing for their eventual installation while construction is being done on schools.


4.  Grid Enhancing Technologies (HB 829)


5. Unemployment Insurance: Modernizing Maryland's UI Program (HB 554)

As the Chair of the Economic Matters Subcommittee on Unemployment Insurance, I have developed comprehensive legislation to modernize our state’s Unemployment Insurance (UI) program. It includes ensuring sufficient benefits for an unemployed person as they search for work and adjusting the tax structure to ensure the continued solvency of the UI trust fund.


​6.  Redefining Residency (HB 183/SB 59)

This bill would raise revenues by taxing people who live in Maryland 3-6 months a year, rather than only those who live here for 6 months or more.


​7.  Assisting Patients with Hospital Debt (HB 268)

​​​​​Hospital debt can be financially devastating for low-income patients.  This bill creates a standard amount hospitals must offer to those patients.  It also protects patients from predatory lawsuits and deceptive practices.


8.  Ensuring Fair Assessments for Counties (HB 296) 


9.  Data Protection in Federal Immigration Actions (HB 1431) 


10.  Stop Sign Monitoring in School Zones (MC 4-25)

Stop sign monitoring is a proven way to improve safety.  This bill would allow such monitoring in school zones to protect some of our most vulnerable pedestrians and cyclists.​​​​


11.  Limits to Alcohol Store Density (MC 21-25 )

This bill would require Mont. Co. Liquor Commissioners to consider how many alcohol outlets are in a community before issuing approvals for more outlets.


12.  Purple Line Free Ridership and Advertising (HB 527)

​​​​​Purple Line construction has been extremely disruptive to nearby businesses and residents.  This bill offers limited amounts of free advertising and passes to those who have been affected by the disruption.


13.  Downtown Silver Spring Parking Grants (MC 16-25)

Construction from the Purple Line has made parking in downtown Silver Spring extremely difficult, which has negatively impacted businesses.  This bill would provide grants to help alleviate parking problems. ​


14.  Food Forests and Foraging (HB 257/SB 317)

State land--both wild and cultivated--can be used to provide food and create a more resilient environment.  Foraging is not allowed on state lands, however.  This bill would encourage the development of food forests on state lands and permit foraging, much like a hunting license. ​​​​


15. Farm-to-School Procurement (HB 56/SB 177)

Local food producers can more easily sell their products to schools with a "master contract" from the Maryland State Department of Education.  Students will then get to eat more fish, healthy local foods.  Win-win!


16. Food System Resiliency Council:  Updates (HB 9)

This bill updates important definitions and timelines used in the Food System Resiliency Council's mission and duties.


17. Full-Time Pay for Mont. Co. Board of Education Members (MC 7-25)

​​​The duties and responsibilities of Montgomery County's Board of Education members are considerable and time-consuming.  My bill would allow them to be paid a full-time salary.  This more adequately compensates them for their duties and will allow more individuals to consider running for these positions.


18. Mental Health Quality in Hospital and in Community  (HB 32/SB 43)

This bill establishes clearer guidelines for Forensic Review Boards and Community Forensic Aftercare Programs involved with the care of psychiatric patients in state hospitals and in the community.


19.  Limited Equity Co-Op Conversion (HB 1052)

​​​Limited equity co-op conversions are a proven way to increase the amount of affordable and attainable housing.  The process to do so, however, can be quite burdensome, especially for low-income individuals.  This bill streamlines that process.

Anchor 18
Anchor 19
Anchor 20
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