I am deeply, deeply grateful to have been re-elected to the Maryland House of Delegates. Thank you to everyone who supported me. I vow to continue working tirelessly to build a more just and inclusive Maryland. Already I have begun to draft legislation for next session on clean energy, labor standards, mental health, and strengthening our safety net system.
Things Look Great in Our State Thanks to everyone who phonebanked, texted, wrote postcards, knocked on doors, registered voters, donated generously, and—most importantly—VOTED to support our efforts to go “All Blue in ‘22”!
We just elected the most diverse group of elected officials in our state’s history! Congratulations to Governor-Elect Wes Moore, Lieutenant Governor-Elect Aruna Miller, Comptroller-Elect Brooke Lierman and Attorney General-Elect Anthony Brown
I’m equally excited for my colleagues around the state who won in some very tight races. Over the past few months, a group of dedicated volunteers and I went door-to-door around the state to support folks in battleground districts in Maryland. While some of these races are still too close to call, I am happy to report we had several wins.
The same holds true on the national level. While we await final results from all the races across the country, I remain focused on ensuring Maryland continues to do our part to lead the way on climate, equity, reproductive health, gun safety, and other vital issues. The good work we achieve in Maryland can be a model for other states to emulate.

Remembering Sheila Hixson So many of us are mourning the death this past Sunday of Sheila Hixson. Sheila served District 20 in the Maryland House of Delegates for 43 years, chairing the powerful House Ways and Means Committee for 24 of them. She broke barriers and blazed a trail for many other progressive and female politicians with her courageous and progressive policy stands on such issues as LGBTQ+ rights, ending the death penalty, gun control and funding for public education. Sheila also set the gold standard for providing outstanding constituent service. I feel deeply privileged to have earned her endorsement and been elected to her seat when she retired. Her creativity, good humor, and distinguished legacy will continue to inspire me and many others for years to come.
Parade We have lots of reasons to be thankful and to celebrate this November! Join me to march in the Montgomery County Thanksgiving Parade in downtown Silver Spring. Sign up here to join the fun on Saturday, November 19th.
Fundraiser The fun continues at my December fundraiser - save the date! We will gather on Sunday, December 4th. More details to come!
Stay in Touch If you or anyone you know needs assistance, please contact my office at lorig.charkoudian@house.state.md.us or leave us a message at (410)-841-3423.