Utility Assistance & Energy Resources

Utility Assistance
GET HELP PAYING YOUR ENERGY BILLS! (or $$ money toward your rent if utilities are included in your rent). For more information (in English and Spanish), click here.
Clean Energy Rebates and Tax Credits
Find out what rebates and tax credits you might be eligible for through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) by clicking here.
Montgomery County Electrification Pilot
Find out how to get rebates when you switch over to electric appliances and equipment.by clicking here.
Water Bill Assistance
Maryland has just started a Low Income Household Water Assistance Program. For more information (in English and Spanish), click here.
Community Solar
Available to: Maryland residents with a utility bill
Community Solar makes it possible for anyone with an electric bill to access local solar energy, even if you can’t put panels on your rooftop. Community Solar allows you to subscribe to a “share” in a local and offsite community solar project. Community Solar prices are lower than regulated utility rates. Solar United Neighbors also helps Co-op members leverage bulk-purchasing power to get discounted pricing and a quality solar installation, while still signing individual contracts that ensure the right system for their home. More information: https://cs.solarunitedneighbors.org

Pepco Energy Efficiency Programs
Available to: Pepco account holders
Through the EmPOWER Maryland programs, Pepco account holders have a variety of energy efficiency programs available to reduce your home energy usage, save money, and make your living spaces more comfortable. Many programs are at no additional cost. Rebates are offered for many energy efficiency products and home energy audits. More information: www.pepco.com/SaveEnergy or call 866-353-5793
Montgomery Energy Connection
Available to: All Montgomery County residents

Montgomery Energy Connection is a program of County Government and community partners. Created to provide customized education on the benefits of energy efficiency, availability of programs, and opportunities for assistance. More information: www.MontgomeryEnergyConnection.org

Limited Income Energy Efficiency Programs
Available to: Income qualifying residents

DHCD helps limited income households with improvements to make homes safer and to lower home energy usage. The programs may cover the installation of energy efficiency materials (insulation and air sealing) and equipment (hot water systems, furnace installation and cleaning, refrigerator and lighting retrofits) at no charge, depending on existing conditions. More information: https://dhcd.maryland.gov/Residents/Pages/lieep/default.aspx
Call: 855-583-8976

Office of People’s Counsel
Available to: All Maryland residents

Our independent state agency is here to help you with your complex home energy utility issues. We represent Maryland residential customers before the Public Service Commission and can provide help navigating complaints against utilities or third-party energy suppliers. More information: Email OPC@maryland.gov or call 410-767-8150 or 800-207-4055

Maryland Office of Home Energy Programs
Available to: Income qualifying residents
The Office of Home Energy Programs (also called OHEP) provides utility bill assistance grants to eligible households. These grants make home energy costs more affordable and also prevent the loss of home energy service. Applicants don’t need a utility turn-off notice to apply for energy assistance grants. Energy assistance will not reduce the amount of any other public assistance benefits you receive, such as TCA or Food Stamps. Nor will it reduce Social Security benefits. More information: Visit https://dhs.maryland.gov/office-of-home-energy-programs/
Call the Montgomery County local office: 240-777-4450 or email: ohep@montgomerycountymd.gov