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2024 End of Session Summary

Each year in Annapolis brings unique challenges and opportunities. Coming into this session we knew we faced considerable hurdles: major shortfalls in our transportation funds, overall budget constraints, and challenging discussions on big policy areas like housing, public safety, climate, and economic justice. In the face of these challenges, my colleagues and I advanced ambitious and comprehensive legislative solutions to improve the lives of all Marylanders.

Thank you for your support and advocacy. Although the legislative session has ended, I will continue my work in District 20 and our magnificent state throughout the year and I will never stop my efforts to make our community a more just and inclusive place for all.

Highlighted below are brief descriptions of some of the most significant legislation we considered this Session. All legislation listed passed both chambers and has been sent to the Governor, unless otherwise indicated. All bills are hyperlinked to the General Assembly website so you can read the actual final bill language.

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are bills I introduced.  HB = House Bill and SB = Senate Bill.

Climate, Energy, and Environmental Justice

*WARMTH Act (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat) (HB397/SB570)- will create several pilot projects to decarbonize neighborhoods with the most efficient systems available. The bill prioritizes low income communities and protects the jobs of current gas workers.

Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2024 (HB166/SB146)- removes waste-to-energy (e.g. incineration) from eligibility in the State Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS), which eliminates financial incentives for these sources of air and climate pollution. I was disappointed this bill did not progress and will continue to work with my colleagues to address polluting industries.

Offshore Wind Projects (HB1296/SB1161)- requires the Public Service Commission to open a revised Round 2 proceeding and removes the limit on Department of General Services procurement of offshore wind. These changes will maximize the offshore wind that will be built in the current lease areas.

Better Buildings Act of 2024 (HB1279/SB1023)- requires all new buildings and certain renovations to be all-electric by 2035 to help meet the state's zero-emission-ready standards. I was disappointed to see that this bill did not progress this session. I will continue to work on building electrification in our state.

*Solar and Clean Energy in Condominiums (HB216/SB206)- changes portions of the Maryland Condominium Act to make it easier for condominium associations to install solar panels and other clean energy equipment.

*Food Waste and Solid Waste Reduction (HB163/SB056) and (HB1318)- establishes grant programs for food waste reduction and diversion, on-farm composting, and cold storage for food rescue and distribution to area food banks. I originally introduced this bill as HB163, but HB1318 was later introduced in a very similar stature by the Vice Chair of the committee. I fully support the policy and withdrew my version so as to not duplicate work. I am disappointed the bill did not progress and will continue to work on food security and organic waste recycling.

Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program (HB735/SB0642)- establishes the Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program, which creates a Maryland beverage container deposit and refund system. Unfortunately, this bill did not progress this session.

*Data Center Energy Requirements (HB905)- would have added requirements for clean energy, grid stability, and labor standards to the data center tax credit. This bill did not progress this Session, however I worked with the Administration, the League of Conservation Voters, and colleagues to add an amendment to a separate bill to dedicate 15% of corporate income tax the state receives from data centers to a fund to help us meet our climate goals. I will continue to work on ensuring data centers meet clean energy requirements.

*Brandon Shores: Acquisition of Energy Storage Devices (HB1112)- requires the Public Service Commission to facilitate the development of the energy infrastructure needed to transition to clean-generation electricity while maintaining grid reliability. This bill passed the House, but did not make it out of the Senate.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plans (HB864)- builds on the successes of the EmPOWER program by continuing its effective focus on weatherization and rebates for efficient electric appliances and electric home heating. The bill makes changes to align EmPOWER goals with the state's climate goals, enabling fuel switching focusing on the reduction of greenhouse gasses. I’m pleased that the amendment I introduced last year to save rate-payers money also passed in the bill this year. It limits the “interest” rate-payers pay while the utility balance is being paid from the current 9-10% rate down to 4%—a significant savings for rate-payers.

Brighter Tomorrow Act (HB1435/SB783)- incentivizes solar energy development in the built environment sites such as rooftops, parking lots, and brownfields.

Ratepayer Protection Act (HB731/SB548)- directs funds spent through the Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (STRIDE) program to prioritize the safety of the gas system and be consistent with state climate policy. I was disappointed to see this bill did not pass this session.

Clean Water Justice Act of 2024 (HB1101/SB653)- establishes that individuals can be harmed due to the violation of environmental and natural resource laws. The bill allows individuals to bring civil action against any person or government entity that violates these laws in Maryland.


Access to Care Act (HB728/SB705)- allows all Marylanders to purchase health insurance with their own money regardless of immigration status. This reduces the number of uninsured Marylanders, lowers health insurance premiums overall, and saves the state money by reducing the amount of uncompensated care.

Maryland Maternal Health Act of 2024 (HB1051/SB1059)- codifies the current requirement that a provider who receives reimbursement from Medicaid for obstetric services complete a “prenatal risk assessment form” for a patient and submit the form to the local health department.

Public Education Campaign on Prostate, Lung, and Breast Cancer Prevention (HB1293/SB938)- requires the state to launch a 3-year public education campaign on prostate, lung, and breast cancer prevention that targets communities disproportionately impacted by these cancers. This campaign is funded from the Cigarette Restitution Fund.

988 Trust Fund Fees (HB933/SB974)- creates a system to fund 988 suicide and crisis services based on the same structure for 911.

Lowering Prescription Drug Costs For All Marylanders Now Act(HB0340/SB0388)- allows the Prescription Drug Affordability Board to establish upper payment limits for prescription costs, if they find it in the best interest of the public to do so. I was disappointed to see this bill did not pass this session.

Contraception Access at Community Colleges (HB367/SB527)- increases access to contraceptive health care by requiring community colleges to provide access to over-the-counter contraceptives.

Supporting Reproductive Health Care Clinics Act (HB1091/SB975)- assists reproductive health care clinics in the State with the costs associated with security improvements.

Financial Assistance in Hospitals (HB328)- supports alleviating the ongoing burden of medical debt by eliminating barriers to access hospital financial-assistance and ensuring the rules are applied uniformly across Maryland.

Mental Health - Assisted Outpatient Treatment Programs(HB576/SB453)- authorizes each county to establish an assisted outpatient treatment program in order to prescribe a specified mental health treatment regimen for someone with severe/persistent mental health needs, even if they do not voluntarily agree to a treatment program.

Gender-Affirming Treatment (HB691/SB119)- includes gender-affirming treatment (including medications and supplies) in the state’s definition of "legally protected health care,” making Maryland a safe haven for such care.

Wildlife and Environmental Stewardship

Whole Watershed Act (HB1165/SB969)- establishes the Whole Watershed Restoration Partnership to accelerate restoration of the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays and their watersheds. The partnership provides grants and technical assistance to eligible projects over a period of five years.

Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution Act (HB1153/SB0956)- requires the Maryland Department of Environment and others to identify the biggest users of PFAS (“forever chemicals”) and develop mitigation and testing procedures.

Workers’ Rights

Workplace Fraud Violations (HB465/SB436)- increases the penalty for employers who purposefully misclassify workers.

*Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act of 2024 (HB205/SB104)- ensures sufficient benefits for an unemployed person as they search for work and adjust the tax structure to ensure the continued solvency of the UI trust fund. I was disappointed that this bill did not progress this session, but I will continue to fight for this issue.

Library Workers Empowerment Act (HB609/SB591)- gives public library workers the opportunity to organize a union and engage in collective bargaining.

Collective Bargaining- Supervisory Employees (HB260/SB192)- grants collective bargaining rights to State supervisory employees.

Homecare Worker Rights Act of 2024 (HB39/SB0197)- requires residential service agencies who are reimbursed through Medicaid to classify their homecare workers as employees, rather than contractors, in order to receive reimbursement.

*Electric Utilities: Requiring Prevailing Wages and Benefits(HB554/SB583)- requires all work done on utilities—whether above or below ground—to be done by contractors paying prevailing wages and benefits. While this bill did not pass, I will continue to strive for strong labor standards.

Equal Rights

Equal Rights Amendment (HJ1/SJ1)- urges the U.S. President to publish the federal Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and for the U.S. Congress to affirm, by joint resolution, the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment.

Employment Discrimination - Sexual Orientation (HB602)- expands the State’s current law on Equal Pay for Equal Work to include nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. In response to a MD Supreme Court Decision last year that left some Marylanders unprotected, the bill will ensure every worker is safely respected and valued at work regardless of whom they love.

Wage Range Transparency (HB649/SB525)- requires employers to disclose specified wage, benefit, and any other compensation information in job postings, an important tool to close the wage gap.

Criminal Justice Reform

Partial Expungement (SB11)- This legislation is part of a suite of legislation supporting the State to implement partial expungement of certain charges on an individual’s criminal record.

Office of the Correctional Ombudsman (SB134/HB0297)- establishes the Office of the Correctional Ombudsman for the purpose of conducting investigations, reviews, and assessments of administrative acts taken by the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.


CALL Act (Credit for All Language Learning) (HB569/SB395)- allows English as a Second Language (ESL) and/or English language learner courses to count towards a student’s associate degree and transfer to other institutions of higher education in the State.

Freedom to Read Act (HB785/SB738)- codifies that Maryland’s public libraries should not exclude material from their catalogs because of the origin, background, or views of a person who created the material; and should not prohibit or remove material from its catalog based on its content.

Resources and Education for All Prisons Act (HB92/SB620)- requires the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to assist incarcerated individuals in accessing federal Pell Grants for higher education and requires the Maryland Department of Labor to set goals for the number of incarcerated individuals in certain education programs.

Community Schools (HB200/SB161)- alters certain requirements for community schools and community school coordinators and requires the Director of Community Schools to create a common needs assessment tool and evaluation form. It also requires a community school coordinator to complete this needs assessment and an annual evaluation and requires the plan to be reviewed and modified periodically.

Internet Safety

Maryland Kids’ Code (HB603/SB571)- requires tech companies to consider children’s well-being, restrict data collection, and limit profiling when designing products for kids.

Consumer Protection

*Utility Transparency and Accountability Act (HB505/SB682)- increases transparency and allows the public to better understand how major energy decisions affecting ratepayers—and ultimately the climate—are made. This bill requires the disclosure of votes at PJM, the regional authority controlling Maryland’s electrical grid and prevents the use of ratepayer funds for lobbying. This bill passed in different forms in the House and Senate, but was not reconciled in time for Sine Die. I will bring this bill back next year.

Consumer Protection from Electricity and Gas Suppliers(HB267/SB1)- increases regulations to protect against predatory third-party retail energy suppliers.

*Consumer Protection and Debt Collection (HB661)- decreases the amount of wages that may be garnished from low-income individuals. I was disappointed that this bill did not progress this session, but I will continue to fight for this issue.

*Energy Assistance for Renters (HB139/SB171)- requires landlords to provide utility bill information to tenants in a timely way, thus streamlining the application process for utility assistance for low income tenants.

Consumer Protection in Sale and Resale of Tickets (HB701/SB0539)- creates protections against price gouging and deceptive ticket sales practices in the resale market.

Housing Security, Equity, and Safety

*Renters' and Homeowners' Property Tax Credit Programs(HB44/SB343)- updates existing tax credit programs to help limit how much low-income individuals pay in property taxes so more people and properties qualify for these beneficial programs. Unfortunately, this bill did not progress this session.

*Renters' and Homeowners' Property Tax Credit Programs: Aligning Guidelines (HB287/SB342)- aligns the requirements for both the Renters and Homeowners Property Tax Credit Programs.

*Enabling County Tax Credits (HB66)- enables counties to create special tax credits for landlords and condo owners who make life safety improvements, participate in affordable housing programs, and for teachers to be able to live where they teach.

*Melanie Nicholle Diaz Fire Safety Act (HB823/SB689)- improves fire safety in high-rise apartment buildings through increased smoke detection, notification devices for those who are hard of hearing, and tax credits for fire safety improvements. It also creates a workgroup to make recommendations for other safety improvements in high-rise apartment buildings that do not have sprinklers.

Housing Innovation Pilot Program Act of 2024 (HB7/SB203)- establishes a Housing Innovation Fund with the purpose of providing loans for local housing authorities and county governments to develop mixed income, cross-subsidized housing. It also creates the Housing Innovation Pilot Program to create opportunities for the State's public housing authorities and county governments to increase housing production and reward counties pursuing innovative solutions to housing scarcity.

Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024 (HB538/SB484)- incentivizes developers to add affordable and market-rate housing options in future developments around transit, former state-owned campuses, and property owned or controlled by a nonprofit. The bill will also permit new manufactured and modular homes in single-family residential zones.

Renters’ Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024 (HB693/SB481)- protects renters from certain evictions and gives renters the opportunity to purchase a rental property if the property owner decides to sell it, (i.e., right of first refusal). Also raises the eviction filing fee in Maryland and bars evictions during times of extreme weather conditions and other public health emergencies.

Public Safety

Gun Industry Accountability Act of 2024 (HB947/SB0488)- allows the Attorney General and county attorneys to sue gun dealers and manufacturers if they don’t implement reasonable gun control measures.

Street Racing and Exhibition Driving Prohibition (HB601/SB0442)- establishes a statewide prohibition on exhibition driving on any highway or private property used for driving by the general public.

Public Schools Active Shooter Safety Drills or Trainings(HB416/SB432)- requires public schools to provide age-appropriate active shooter drills and conversations about them, notification to families before and after the drills, drills designed with trauma-informed care, and that schools send home safe gun-storage information annually.

Center for Firearm Violence Prevention (HB583/SB475)- establishes the Center for Firearm Violence Prevention in the Maryland Department of Health with the mission to reduce firearm violence, harm from firearm violence, and misuse of firearms. The organization will partner with federal, State, and local agencies and affected communities to implement a public health approach to firearm violence reduction.


Protecting Election Officials Act of 2024 (HB585/SB0480)- prohibits a person from threatening to harm an election official or their immediate family member because of the election official’s role in administering the election process.


*Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Accessibility (HB135/SB593)- makes pedestrian and cyclist safety part of the planning process for toll facilities. Instead of passing this as legislation, the committee decided to put this as a directive in the Joint Chairman’s Report.

*State Highway Projects and Utility Compliance (HB101)- creates mechanisms for ensuring utility work does not delay state highway projects, thus removing potential barriers to safety improvements and reducing costs for the Transportation Trust Fund. While this bill did not progress, the committee did refer it to summer study for committee members to continue working on this important policy.

Maryland Metro Funding Act of 2024 (HB198/SB126)- ensures Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) continues to run by temporarily pausing the requirement of withholding a portion of the State’s annual operating grant to WMATA’s budget when it increases by more than 3% over the previous fiscal year.

Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024 (HB513/SB479)- ensures better protection of the people who do the vital jobs of building and maintaining our roads.

Key Bridge Collapse Response

Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (PORT) Act (HB1526/SB1188)- in response to the tragic collapse of the Key Bridge, this bill establishes temporary relief programs to provide assistance to individuals and certain entities impacted by the closure of the Port of Baltimore. It also authorizes the Governor to transfer, by budget amendment, money from the Revenue Stabilization Account (“Rainy Day Funds”) to fund these programs.


Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2024 (HB352/SB362)- The House and Senate carefully crafted a budget and revenue package that aligns with Maryland’s values and addresses long-term funding needs. Here are some of the notable line items in the budget:

  - The Blueprint, which is Maryland’s plan to transform its education system to improve student outcomes, is now fully funded through fiscal year 2027.-  Last year, I introduced HB 82, which sought to increase school-based behavioral health services. Receiving these services in schools is a proven way to help young people facing mental health challenges, especially in underserved communities. HB 82 was the catalyst for the inclusion of Medicaid reimbursement for mental health services in public schools in this year’s budget. 

- $330 million in revenue to support local roads, bridges, continuing future projects (such as the Red Line) and closing the gaps—and avoiding severe cuts—in our transportation system. 

- $105 million in additional funding to support Maryland’s trauma system.

Grants for District 20 Capital Projects

The District 20 Delegation worked hard to fund the following local capital projects:

Leeland Renovation: $100,000 to help renovate the Leeland property, an affordable multi-family housing co-op that serves as a model for affordable housing in our district.

Stonehedge Local Park (White Oak): $350,000 to renovate aging recreational facilities in the park by replacing playgrounds, repurposing the athletic court and picnic pavilion, and enhancing athletic fields for accessibility.

Takoma Park Community Center: $200,000 to improve the city’s mental health crisis response and to promote a shift away from traditional police-only or police-and-clinician models toward clinician-only responses.

YMCA Silver Spring: $125,000 to repair the building's foundation, renovate the gymnasium floor, invest in new sports equipment for use in the gym, and install a new roof.

Quality Time Annex (downtown Silver Spring): $25,000 for capital improvements needed to provide an additional 220 childcare spaces for age-appropriate, developmental programs for young children.

Smithville School: $800,000 to increase historical awareness and provide newly renovated meeting space.

White Oak Neighborhood Revitalization: $2 million to provide site improvement and capital equipping of redevelopment of the building that housed the White Oak Sears in the 11255 New Hampshire Avenue block in Silver Spring.

Viva White Oak: $6 million in fiscal year ‘26 to provide a grant to the Maryland Economic Development Corporation for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Viva White Oak neighborhood.

Delegate Scholarship

As a Member of the House of Delegates, I am able to provide my constituents with academic scholarships. This scholarship is available to students planning to attend a Maryland community college, four-year university, or graduate school during the 2023-2024 school year. Applications must be completed and submitted by Friday, May 10th, 2024. Applications can be completed online:

Thank You

To the advocates, volunteers, and community organizers who work tirelessly and show up throughout the year: your resilience and dedication inspires me!  I appreciate your passion, activism, and the continued invitation to your community events, which keeps me informed about District 20 priorities. I am also thankful to the hard work of my Chief of Staff Rose Stutz; Legislative Aide Brittany Baker; wonderful interns Tierney Acosta and Comfort Akinlabi; and Legacy Leader Fran McCabe.

Let’s stay in touch!  As you can tell, I am already making plans for  next year’s Session. Over the coming months, I will continue to reach out to all corners of District 20 and our great state. I also encourage you to reach out to me. The best way to contact me and my staff is via email at You may also leave a message at (410)-841-3423.



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